Clinics for PCR and antigen tests

Here is a list of clinics that offers PCR and antigen services in English. You can download this information here

We recommend you to make an appointment if you requiere these test to travel back to your country as soon as possible, since June many people start traveling for vacations. If you need assistance for making an appointment, you can contact the organizing committee for help

IMED Hospital -Valencia

All days from 8:00 till 20:00. Go to the adjacent building next to the hospital. Off this schedule go to the emergency service

No medical prescription needed for test performances, but we advice to make an appointment through this website to avoid awaiting times.

UCV Clinic – Universidad Católica de Valencia

All days form 8:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00

Book an appointment through this website or call to: +34 963 920 624

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