Instructions for authors

Poster presentations

All scientific posters will be exposed in the virtual platform during the celebration of the congress, so they must be sent in the specified format. Deadline to send us the posters is 17th June. The posters of the people that attend in-person will be exposed in the “Hort de Tramoires” hall and holders for the exposition will be provide for the Organising Committee.

The size for all posters (both in-person and virtual modality) is A0 (841 mm width x 1189 mm long)

It is mandatory sending the poster to the email address in PDF format.

We have created a small session for virtual posters on 23rd from 17:30 until 18:00. Authors that contribute to the congress with a virtual poster could expose their work in this session. In addition, people that attend virtual could make questions to the poster’s authors that attend in-person. For this last reason, it is important that people with a poster contribution attend this session.

Oral presentations

Oral contributions will take place in the “Joan Plaça” Auditorium. In the general programme you can check the sessions.

The length for general talks is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions while for keynotes is 30 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions. The Invited talks will have 45 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions, preceded by a 10-15 min presentation of our honoured speakers. The time for presentations is the same both in-person and virtual modality. Please, try to get in time to the facility for a timely development of the schedule.

We recommend you give us your presentation before the beginning of the session in order to make easier the working of the scientific sessions. The organisation will provide all technical equipment (laptop with W10, laser pointer and microphone). We advise you to bring your presentation in different formats (ppts and pdf) in order to avoid possible technical problems related with the different software versions.

Questions from virtual participants will be made by the chat available on the virtual platform and they will be read in the question time for each presentation.

Online presentations

The virtual platform for oral presentations is Blackboard Collaborate. This platform doesn’t require to be downloaded, and a link to the different sessions will be send before the beginning of the congress.

Authors attending online MUST record their talks keeping the times specified and send them IN ADVACE to This is important to avoid possible issues derived from a bad internet connection that might prevent the correct progress of the congress. The deadline for sending the records is 19th June.

On the 20th June, a small session with all the online participants will take place, to check the stability of the internet connection, how to share your screen and give the last instructions. It is important that the online participants use the same computer that they will be using during the symposium.

Authors must connect before their session and wait for the chairman/organising committee to allow them access at the moment of their session. Please, let us know in advance if you prefer to make the presentation in vivo or using the recording uploaded to the virtual platform.

Here you can find tutorials about “How to record a presentation with Microsoft” and “How to share screen with Blackboard Collaborate”.

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