Registration fee

The payment of the fees should be done by bank transfer to the following account:

Account holder: Universitat de Valencia

IBAN: ES8700490852512510010491



You can also pay with Paypal/credit card. In the table at the bottom of this page there is all the combinations and the links to the PayPal platform for each one.

IMPORTANT: Your registration won´t be consider complete until the proof of payment is sent to the e-mail of the congress

Early Bird before April 10th, 2022

Early bird registration fee: 300 Euros*
Early bird student and accompanying person registration fee: 200 Euros*

Regular until May 30th, 2022

Regular registration fee: 400 Euros*
Regular student and accompanying person registration fee: 300 Euros*

Online registration

Online: 150 Euros

Other fees

Conference dinner: 50 Euros

Post-conference filed trip: 600Euros**

*The fee includes the meals and social activities during the symposium. Dinners and accommodation not included.

**The fee for the post-conference field trip included 5-night accommodations, meals, and transportation.

Type of registrationTotal fee (euros)Paypal/credit card
Early registration300Pay here
Early student/accompanying person200Pay here
Online 150Pay here
Early bird + dinner350 Pay here
Early student/accompanying person + dinner250 Pay here
Early bird + filed trip900 Pay here
Early student/accompanying person + field trip800 Pay here
Early bird + dinner + field trip950 Pay here
Early student/accompanying person + dinner + field trip850 Pay here
Regular registration400Pay here
Student/accompanying person300Pay here
Regular + dinner 450Pay here
Student/accompanying person + dinner350Pay here
Regular + field trip 1000Pay here
Student/accompanying person + field trip900Pay here
Regular + dinner + field trip1050Pay here
Student/accompanying person + dinner + field trip950Pay here

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